One of our thousands of wallpapers available exclusively at KENDALL & Co. This charming wallpaper collection is in full bloom, drawing inspiration from the English countryside. Featuring a charming array of fluttering butterflies, with detailed designs and playful colours, each design is beautifully printed in a refined colour palette. Every pattern starts as hand-painted artwork, crafted to bring beauty into everyday spaces.
This wallpaper is screen printed and comes in 27 inch rolls with a 25.25 inch repeat.
Due to the printing process, there may be colour variations in different print runs. We suggest purchasing all wallpaper needed for a project at one time for the best color consistency.
Product Dimensions - Metric 68.5 cm x 8.2 m = 5.6 sq m
Product Dimensions - Standard 27 in x 27 ft = 60.8 sq ft
Features Unpasted - Washable - Strippable
Material Non-Woven
Theme Botanical
Repeat (inches) 25 1/4 in
Wallpaper Orders are Final Sale.
Sample sizes vary.
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